Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Feathered or Feathers (Theme # 96)

I love the spots on this Mourning Dove's feathers.


  1. Me too--how'd you get so close?

  2. Nan,
    It was in the aviary at Genesis Wildlife Sanctuary and I was giving the birds fresh food and water.

  3. Hi Vanessa! Glad to see you up and running! Have fun...

  4. Wonderful start to your blog Vanessa! Love this dove, beautiful shot! I have added you to my reader so I don't miss any of your images! :)

  5. You have a good collection of themes already! I love mourning doves too. There is a mother in our hanging flower basket on our patio. She sits and stares at you, not moving a feather unless you knock against the basket by accident. She has been on the nest three times that I know of. There are two little ones about ready to fly now. I will add your blog to my followers now. Welcome!
